Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Working in the fashion industry is “not about thinking that it’s the cool thing; it’s about really believing in it”

For lots of people, working in the fashion industry would be a dream job, whether it’s as a designer, a model or a photographer. Reality TV shows such as Stylista, Project Runway and the Next Top Model series’ have inspired more people to try and get into this line of work.

However, according to Anna Wintour, editor-in-chief of American Vogue magazine, these programmes are making work in the fashion industry too easy. They are encouraging people to do it because it’s the ‘in’ thing, rather than as she says: “believing in it.”

Her advice: “Don't go too fast. Because of reality television, everyone imagines they can just be a fashion designer, photographer, or model. That's not the way things go. Learn your craft.”

This opinion is fair enough, but maybe just a little bit hypocritical. Vogue has announced that it is making its own series of short videos, Model.Live, to be shown on Vogue.TV online starting on August 19th. Apparently it’s not reality TV, “just amateurs live”. The show will follow three models through their work at the major fashion weeks and address any issues that arise including eating disorders or depression. It’s costing them a huge $3 million dollars to make (the shows are only 8 minutes long which means about $31,000 a minute) so lets hope it’s worth it!

Are programmes like this worth it, inspiring a new generation for the fashion industry? Or are they just a waste of money?